Terminaut's vintage titanium track bike, "Blackbird":

Custom, ultra-short wheelbase, Merlin titanium frame.

Passoni titanium handlebar. Titanium fork, and titanium toe cages. (For the uninitiated, track bikes do not have brakes. The rear cog is fixed to the hub. I.e. you can't coast, so you control your speed with your legs.)

Merlin titanium quill stem. Titanium stem bolt. 1" Chris King Titanium GripNut™ headset.

Morati Titan titanium crank arms, Boone titanium chainring. Titanium chain ring bolts. Regina Titanio titanium chain, Boone titanium rear cog.

Araya Titaace Gold titanium rims. Titanium spokes.

Custom Italian titanium saddle with titanium seat rails. Titanium seatpost, and titanium seatpost bolt.

Weight: unknown.
Price: unknown.
A nice video.

Another bike Terminaut is building up: the Merlin Newsboy (info).
Some of his other bikes in his living room 0_o

Another Ti beauty (off-road): the Amaro Lollobrigida (info).
Hi, I saw a Merlin Titanium on craigslist for $2500, but I still don't know the weight
The seller should furnish details of the model and year; those, together with the component groupset, you should be able to estimate the weight of the bike.
Another method is to get the serial number off the seller and reference it with Merlin.
any idea of what those araya rims weigh?
Nope, unfortunately :-(
The arayas wieght approximately 340g each
Thanks, festus!
Is there a source for titanium rims?Any help much appreciated....
what kind of fork is that?
Good question, Steve.
I don't think it is a Sibex fork.
I just want to know the weight and cost?
I haven't the slightest idea, Anon, but here's more information on the bike:
It was manufactured in the early 1990s by Merlin Cambridge for world record holder, Vic Copeland, of the USPS Masters Cycling Team.
Licensed Racer since - 1987
USPS Teammate since - 1988
Prestige selection - 1992, 1993, 1995 USCF Masters Rider of the Year
World Titles - Current Masters World Record Holder; Former Masters World Track Champion; Former Masters World Games Champion
World Year(s) - 2003 (4); 2002 (3); 1998 (3); 1995 (4)
Nationals Titles - Current Masters Track Champion; Former Masters Nationals Road Champion; 6 time IronMan finisher
National's Year(s) - 2004 (4); 2003 (3); 2002 (3); 2001 (3); 1999 (4); 1998; 1996 (2); 1995 (5); 1994 (5); 1993 (4); 1992 (3); 1991 (3); 1990; 1988
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