The blue line depicts the vessel's course from Changi Village, Singapore to Tanjong Pengelih, Johor, Malaysia.

At Bandamas, a friendly coffee shop proprietor (where we had dinner) offered us the use of the shop floor for the night. However, as the tent we brought along was an A-frame tent, we had to use it as a giant sleeping bag for 3 instead.
In the middle of the night, I felt something move against my arm. Upon turning on my flashlight and checking under the tent, I found a pair of green eyes staring back at me. I shone the light around and found other pairs of eyes in the darkness too. It turned out that the kampong cats decided to snuggle into our giant makeshift sleeping bag for a cozy snooze ^_^

Logbook entry
Barely slept all night. The cats slept all over us. At one point, there were 2 cats sleeping on Francis' chest. Ebnu and I got up countless times to shoo the friendly furballs away but they always end up sneaking back. After the nth time, we gave up (besides, they had no fleas and were warm). We took off after a hearty breakfast at 9 AM. It was nice going until we passed the junction to Kota Tinggi. Ebnu went into this huge pothole and nearly crashed. I nearly flew over the handlebars myself.

The hills came at us with a vengeance. Countless climbs, giant potholes, deep cracks wide enough to swallow our wheels, and smelly, squashed, oozing, and festering roadkill (birds, snakes, monitor lizards, and a very ripe, bloated wildboar) were the order of the day. We had a bit of excitement when a cobra darted out of the roadside vegetation to take a bite out of Ebnu (WTF?). Thankfully the viper missed his calf and hit the spokes instead. I wonder what would have happened to the snake if Ebnu had bladed spokes on his bike.

EBNU & BEN: *Trying to look real thrilled*

Logbook entry
The ride to Mersing in a word?

The red arrow highlights the town of Mersing.
It turned out that we were only 8 km from Mersing when we got on the truck. After being turned away from 3 inns (we insisted that we bring our bikes into the room with us) we finally checked into a mid-priced establishment by the name of The Country Hotel. RM$50 a night, with air-conditioned, attached bathroom, TV, no uninvited cats. Mmm...
Took a day off to rest and stuff ourselves silly with food.

Passed Padang Endau — 36 km (22.5 miles) away — at 11:00 AM. By 1:15 PM, we had reached Kuala Rompin — another 40 km (25 miles) away.

Crossing another river after Kuala Rompin.
Logbook entry
'Planned to push until 6 PM and then camp out. Landscape after Kuala Rompin is varied: townscape gave way to rural kampong, and then, even that gave way to large uninhabited swathes of mangrove forest. For hours we rode without spotting a human dwelling or another road user.
The coastal road passed by a nature reserve at some point. The greenery is stunning: huge teak and needle pines lining a road that lazily snakes across the landscape. All too soon, this gave way to a barren landscape of sand and the occasional coconut tree as the road decidedly heads north, parallel to and never more than 200 meters (330 feet) from the sea. Here, the elements steadily whipped us with a steady lashing of rain as our thighs burned to power our wheeled steeds through the unrelenting headwind.

A map showing the relative locations of Kuala Rompin and Nenasi.

Map of the relative location of Pekan, the royal town of the state of Pahang, Malaysia.

EBNU: Hey, look, guys! Maybe we can trade our bikes for their sampan (canoe)?

Another map of the general area.

A little later...
Masjid Negeri Sultan Ahmad Shah, the State Mosque of Pahang, is located in the city of Kuantan.

Going up...

The wind in my hair (or is it just the realization that I eventually have to climb down?).

Total distance: cyclo-computer 418 km (261 miles).
The stretch between Desaru and Mersing is hilly, dusty, and boring. If I were to do it again I would start from Mersing and ride north. Food is good and cheap, and accommodation, easily found. Shutterbugs take note: you can get into trouble for taking pictures of Malay females in Kuantan. Be sure to seek permission first.
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